When I use the collapse command, I loose the variable and value labels associated with my variables. The following program does everything that the collapse command does, but preserves the variable and value labels. It also has an option to refrain from putting the stat in the variable label.
collapseandpreserve hdff=zarpl time_id (last) obraz wouer=soc_st, by(hh_code resp) o
program define collapseandpreserve
// Written by Shafique Jamal (shafique.jamal@gmail.com).
// This will collapse the dataset and preserve the variable and value labels. The syntax for using this is just like with the collapse command.
// There is one additional optional option: show stat. If you add this option to the command (collapseandperserve ... ,by(...) omitstatfromvarlabel
// then it will not show the statistic (i.e. (fist), (mean), (last), etc.) in the variable label
syntax anything(id="variable and values" name=arguments equalok), by(string asis) [cw fast Omitstatfromvarlabel]
version 9.1
// save all the value labels
tempfile tf
label save using `"`tf'"', replace
// get the list of variables to be collapse, and keep track of the value label - variable correspondence
tempname precollapse_listofvars
tempname postcollapse_listofvars
tempname listofvaluelabels
tempname valuelabelname
tempname stat
tempname oldvarname
tempname newvarname
local `stat' "(mean)"
foreach a of local arguments {
di `"word: `a'"'
if (regexm(`"`a'"',"^\(.*\)$")) { // if there is something like (first), (mean), etc.
local `stat' = `"`a'"'
else { // This is a variable. Store the associated variable label and value label name
// What if there is an = in the term? then need two list of variables: a precollapse list and a postcollapse list
if (regexm(`"`a'"',"^(.*)=(.*)$")) {
// di "Regex match!"
local `oldvarname' = regexs(2)
// di "oldvarname: ``oldvarname''"
local `newvarname' = regexs(1)
// di "newvarname: ``newvarname''"
else {
// di "NO regex match!"
local `oldvarname' `"`a'"'
// di "oldvarname: ``oldvarname''"
local `newvarname' `"`a'"'
// di "newvarname: ``newvarname''"
local `precollapse_listofvars' `"``precollapse_listofvars'' ``oldvarname''"'
local `postcollapse_listofvars' `"``postcollapse_listofvars'' ``newvarname''"'
local `valuelabelname' : value label ``oldvarname''
tempname vl_``newvarname''
local `vl_``newvarname''' : variable label ``oldvarname''
if (`"``vl_``newvarname''''"' == `""') {
local `vl_``newvarname''' `"``newvarname''"'
di `"omitstatfromvarlabel = `omitstatfromvarlabel'"'
if (`"`omitstatfromvarlabel'"'==`""') {
local `vl_``newvarname''' `"``stat'' ``vl_``newvarname''''"'
di "not omitting"
else {
local `vl_``newvarname''' `"``vl_``newvarname''''"'
di "omitting"
if (`"``valuelabelname''"' == `""') { // variable has no value label
local `listofvaluelabels' `"``listofvaluelabels'' ."'
else {
local `listofvaluelabels' `"``listofvaluelabels'' ``valuelabelname''"'
collapse `arguments', by(`by') `cw' `fast'
// macro list
// retrieve the valuelabels
qui do `"`tf'"'
// reapply the variable labels and the value labels
tempname count
local `count' = 0
di "------------------------------------------------"
foreach var of local `postcollapse_listofvars' {
di `"var: `var'"'
di `"its variable label: ``vl_`var'''"'
// reapply the variable labels
local `count' = ``count'' + 1
label var `var' `"``vl_`var'''"'
// reapply the value labels
local `valuelabelname' : word ``count'' of ``listofvaluelabels''
if (`"``valuelabelname''"' != `"."') {
label values `var' ``valuelabelname''
end program
collapseandpreserve hdff=zarpl time_id (last) obraz wouer=soc_st, by(hh_code resp) o
program define collapseandpreserve
// Written by Shafique Jamal (shafique.jamal@gmail.com).
// This will collapse the dataset and preserve the variable and value labels. The syntax for using this is just like with the collapse command.
// There is one additional optional option: show stat. If you add this option to the command (collapseandperserve ... ,by(...) omitstatfromvarlabel
// then it will not show the statistic (i.e. (fist), (mean), (last), etc.) in the variable label
syntax anything(id="variable and values" name=arguments equalok), by(string asis) [cw fast Omitstatfromvarlabel]
version 9.1
// save all the value labels
tempfile tf
label save using `"`tf'"', replace
// get the list of variables to be collapse, and keep track of the value label - variable correspondence
tempname precollapse_listofvars
tempname postcollapse_listofvars
tempname listofvaluelabels
tempname valuelabelname
tempname stat
tempname oldvarname
tempname newvarname
local `stat' "(mean)"
foreach a of local arguments {
di `"word: `a'"'
if (regexm(`"`a'"',"^\(.*\)$")) { // if there is something like (first), (mean), etc.
local `stat' = `"`a'"'
else { // This is a variable. Store the associated variable label and value label name
// What if there is an = in the term? then need two list of variables: a precollapse list and a postcollapse list
if (regexm(`"`a'"',"^(.*)=(.*)$")) {
// di "Regex match!"
local `oldvarname' = regexs(2)
// di "oldvarname: ``oldvarname''"
local `newvarname' = regexs(1)
// di "newvarname: ``newvarname''"
else {
// di "NO regex match!"
local `oldvarname' `"`a'"'
// di "oldvarname: ``oldvarname''"
local `newvarname' `"`a'"'
// di "newvarname: ``newvarname''"
local `precollapse_listofvars' `"``precollapse_listofvars'' ``oldvarname''"'
local `postcollapse_listofvars' `"``postcollapse_listofvars'' ``newvarname''"'
local `valuelabelname' : value label ``oldvarname''
tempname vl_``newvarname''
local `vl_``newvarname''' : variable label ``oldvarname''
if (`"``vl_``newvarname''''"' == `""') {
local `vl_``newvarname''' `"``newvarname''"'
di `"omitstatfromvarlabel = `omitstatfromvarlabel'"'
if (`"`omitstatfromvarlabel'"'==`""') {
local `vl_``newvarname''' `"``stat'' ``vl_``newvarname''''"'
di "not omitting"
else {
local `vl_``newvarname''' `"``vl_``newvarname''''"'
di "omitting"
if (`"``valuelabelname''"' == `""') { // variable has no value label
local `listofvaluelabels' `"``listofvaluelabels'' ."'
else {
local `listofvaluelabels' `"``listofvaluelabels'' ``valuelabelname''"'
collapse `arguments', by(`by') `cw' `fast'
// macro list
// retrieve the valuelabels
qui do `"`tf'"'
// reapply the variable labels and the value labels
tempname count
local `count' = 0
di "------------------------------------------------"
foreach var of local `postcollapse_listofvars' {
di `"var: `var'"'
di `"its variable label: ``vl_`var'''"'
// reapply the variable labels
local `count' = ``count'' + 1
label var `var' `"``vl_`var'''"'
// reapply the value labels
local `valuelabelname' : word ``count'' of ``listofvaluelabels''
if (`"``valuelabelname''"' != `"."') {
label values `var' ``valuelabelname''
end program
Hi Shafique.
Great program, thank you!
It helped me a couple of times already.
However, I have an issue when running it for a larger dataset.
The error goes as follows:
"............. program running fine .............
word: ts3_reasonreduce_preptimelong
_vl_ts3_reasonreduce_preptimelong invalid name"
Does this error occur because the name of the variable is too long?
If not, do you have any idea of what it might be?
Thank you very much in advance!
Alexey Makarin
Econ PhD student at Northwestern
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