UPDATE2: I updated this to allow for "if" and "in"
UPDATE: I updated this to preserve the value labels. So var2 (the second variable in your variable list) must have a value label attached to it.
Suppose you want to plot the output of the two-way tab function? Here is a program that will do it (see below). It is actually a wrapper for the tabout command. Some notes about the options:
using: put here the name of the filename that you want to save the tabout data to, in tab separated format. The graphs that this command produces will save graphs using the same filename but with different extension.
gc: this stands for graph command. You can use gc("graph bar"), gc("graph hbar")... and maybe others
go: this stands for graph options. These are the options that you would use for the graph command above (e.g. note, title, b1title, subtitle, etc)
ta: this stands for tabout options. These are the options you would use with the tabout command (e.g. c(), f(), etc.)
taboutgraph var1 var2 [aw=weight] using "filename_to_savedatato.csv", gc("graph bar") ta(cells(col) f(2 2 2 2)) replace go( note("Source: XXX") b1title("Quintile") title(`"Composition of Population"') ytitle("Percent of population in the quntile"))
program define taboutgraph
// Written by Shafique Jamal (shafique.jamal@gmail.com)
// This program requires that the second variable in varlist have a value label attached to it
// It plots the column output of the tabout command
syntax varlist(min=2 max=2) [if] [in] using/ [aweight], GCmd(string) GOptions(string asis) TAboutoptions(string asis) [replace overcategorysuboptions(string asis) overxsuboptions(string asis)]
version 9.1
marksample touse
// di `"`0'"'
cap drop _v*
// cap ssc install lstrfun
// first generate the table
tabout `varlist' [`weight'`exp'] if `touse' using `using', `replace' `taboutoptions'
di `"tabout [`weight'`exp'] `varlist' if `touse' using `using', `replace'"'
local number_of_rows = r(r)
local number_of_columns = r(c)
return list
// get the filename
di `"regexm:"'
di regexm(`"`using'"',`"((.*)\.(.+))$"')
if (regexm(`"`using'"',`"((.*)\.(.+))$"')) {
local pathtofile_original = regexs(1)
local pathtofile_withoutextension = regexs(2)
local pathtofile_extension = regexs(3)
di `"pathtofile_original:`pathtofile_original'"'
di `"pathtofile_withoutextension:`pathtofile_withoutextension'"'
di `"pathtofile_extension:`pathtofile_extension'"'
// open the file and process it.
local count = 0
tempname fhr
tempname fhw
tempfile tf
file open `fhr' using `"`pathtofile_original'"', r
// ---------------------------
// file open `fhw' using `"$WHO_KG_reports/tempfile.csv"', t write all replace
file open `fhw' using `"`tf'"', t write all replace
local count = `count' + 1
// First line is variable label.
file read `fhr' line
return list
local count = 1
while r(eof)==0 {
local count = `count' + 1
// di `"count = `count'"'
file read `fhr' line
if (`count'~=3) { // This line is units - we can throw this away
file write `fhw' `"`line'"' _n
// di `"`line'"'
file close `fhr'
file close `fhw'
// We should save the value labels. Check to make sure that the label exists
tempfile tfvaluelabels
tempname nameofvaluelabel
tempname variablenamewithlabel
local `variablenamewithlabel' : word 2 of `varlist'
local `nameofvaluelabel' : value label ``variablenamewithlabel''
label save ``nameofvaluelabel'' using `"`tfvaluelabels'"', replace
qui insheet using `"`tf'"', t clear names
// I want to restore the value levels and value labels
do `"`tfvaluelabels'"'
// ssc install labellist
// levelsof ``nameofvaluelabel'', local(levels)
labellist ``nameofvaluelabel''
local levels = r(``nameofvaluelabel''_values)
local labels = r(``nameofvaluelabel''_labels)
save `"`pathtofile_withoutextension'_short.dta"', replace
drop total
drop if _n == _N
local count = 0
local count_levels = 0
foreach var of varlist * {
local count = `count' + 1
if (`count'==1) {
qui rename `var' x
else {
local count_levels = `count_levels' + 1
local level : word `count_levels' of `levels'
qui rename `var' _v`level'
// qui rename `var' _v`count'
local v`level'_labelforfilename = `"`var'"' // used for the filename for saving graphs of individual variables
local v`level'_varlabel : variable label _v`level' // used for the subtitle in the plot of individual variables.
// graph each y var, then all y vars
foreach level of local levels {
`gcmd' (asis) _v`level', over(x, ) `goptions' subtitle(`"`v`level'_varlabel'"')
graph export "`pathtofile_withoutextension'_`v`level'_labelforfilename'.pdf", replace
forv x = 2/`count' {
`gcmd' (asis) _v`x', over(x) `goptions' subtitle(`"`v`x'_varlabel'"')
// di `"subtitle: subtitle(`"`v`x'_varlabel'"'), `v`x'_varlabel', v`x'_varlabel"'
graph export "`pathtofile_withoutextension'_`v`x'_labelforfilename'.pdf", replace
// graph all yvars
qui reshape long _v, i(x) j(category)
// cap tostring category, replace
label values category ``nameofvaluelabel''
forv x = 2/`count' {
qui replace category = `"`v`x'_varlabel'"' if category == `"`x'"'
`gcmd' (asis) _v, over(category, `overcategorysuboptions') over(x, `overxsuboptions') asyvars `goptions'
graph export "`pathtofile_withoutextension'_allvars.pdf", replace
save `"`pathtofile_withoutextension'_long.dta"', replace
end program
UPDATE: I updated this to preserve the value labels. So var2 (the second variable in your variable list) must have a value label attached to it.
Suppose you want to plot the output of the two-way tab function? Here is a program that will do it (see below). It is actually a wrapper for the tabout command. Some notes about the options:
using: put here the name of the filename that you want to save the tabout data to, in tab separated format. The graphs that this command produces will save graphs using the same filename but with different extension.
gc: this stands for graph command. You can use gc("graph bar"), gc("graph hbar")... and maybe others
go: this stands for graph options. These are the options that you would use for the graph command above (e.g. note, title, b1title, subtitle, etc)
ta: this stands for tabout options. These are the options you would use with the tabout command (e.g. c(), f(), etc.)
taboutgraph var1 var2 [aw=weight] using "filename_to_savedatato.csv", gc("graph bar") ta(cells(col) f(2 2 2 2)) replace go( note("Source: XXX") b1title("Quintile") title(`"Composition of Population"') ytitle("Percent of population in the quntile"))
program define taboutgraph
// Written by Shafique Jamal (shafique.jamal@gmail.com)
// This program requires that the second variable in varlist have a value label attached to it
// It plots the column output of the tabout command
syntax varlist(min=2 max=2) [if] [in] using/ [aweight], GCmd(string) GOptions(string asis) TAboutoptions(string asis) [replace overcategorysuboptions(string asis) overxsuboptions(string asis)]
version 9.1
marksample touse
// di `"`0'"'
cap drop _v*
// cap ssc install lstrfun
// first generate the table
tabout `varlist' [`weight'`exp'] if `touse' using `using', `replace' `taboutoptions'
di `"tabout [`weight'`exp'] `varlist' if `touse' using `using', `replace'"'
local number_of_rows = r(r)
local number_of_columns = r(c)
return list
// get the filename
di `"regexm:"'
di regexm(`"`using'"',`"((.*)\.(.+))$"')
if (regexm(`"`using'"',`"((.*)\.(.+))$"')) {
local pathtofile_original = regexs(1)
local pathtofile_withoutextension = regexs(2)
local pathtofile_extension = regexs(3)
di `"pathtofile_original:`pathtofile_original'"'
di `"pathtofile_withoutextension:`pathtofile_withoutextension'"'
di `"pathtofile_extension:`pathtofile_extension'"'
// open the file and process it.
local count = 0
tempname fhr
tempname fhw
tempfile tf
file open `fhr' using `"`pathtofile_original'"', r
// ---------------------------
// file open `fhw' using `"$WHO_KG_reports/tempfile.csv"', t write all replace
file open `fhw' using `"`tf'"', t write all replace
local count = `count' + 1
// First line is variable label.
file read `fhr' line
return list
local count = 1
while r(eof)==0 {
local count = `count' + 1
// di `"count = `count'"'
file read `fhr' line
if (`count'~=3) { // This line is units - we can throw this away
file write `fhw' `"`line'"' _n
// di `"`line'"'
file close `fhr'
file close `fhw'
// We should save the value labels. Check to make sure that the label exists
tempfile tfvaluelabels
tempname nameofvaluelabel
tempname variablenamewithlabel
local `variablenamewithlabel' : word 2 of `varlist'
local `nameofvaluelabel' : value label ``variablenamewithlabel''
label save ``nameofvaluelabel'' using `"`tfvaluelabels'"', replace
qui insheet using `"`tf'"', t clear names
// I want to restore the value levels and value labels
do `"`tfvaluelabels'"'
// ssc install labellist
// levelsof ``nameofvaluelabel'', local(levels)
labellist ``nameofvaluelabel''
local levels = r(``nameofvaluelabel''_values)
local labels = r(``nameofvaluelabel''_labels)
save `"`pathtofile_withoutextension'_short.dta"', replace
drop total
drop if _n == _N
local count = 0
local count_levels = 0
foreach var of varlist * {
local count = `count' + 1
if (`count'==1) {
qui rename `var' x
else {
local count_levels = `count_levels' + 1
local level : word `count_levels' of `levels'
qui rename `var' _v`level'
// qui rename `var' _v`count'
local v`level'_labelforfilename = `"`var'"' // used for the filename for saving graphs of individual variables
local v`level'_varlabel : variable label _v`level' // used for the subtitle in the plot of individual variables.
// graph each y var, then all y vars
foreach level of local levels {
`gcmd' (asis) _v`level', over(x, ) `goptions' subtitle(`"`v`level'_varlabel'"')
graph export "`pathtofile_withoutextension'_`v`level'_labelforfilename'.pdf", replace
forv x = 2/`count' {
`gcmd' (asis) _v`x', over(x) `goptions' subtitle(`"`v`x'_varlabel'"')
// di `"subtitle: subtitle(`"`v`x'_varlabel'"'), `v`x'_varlabel', v`x'_varlabel"'
graph export "`pathtofile_withoutextension'_`v`x'_labelforfilename'.pdf", replace
// graph all yvars
qui reshape long _v, i(x) j(category)
// cap tostring category, replace
label values category ``nameofvaluelabel''
forv x = 2/`count' {
qui replace category = `"`v`x'_varlabel'"' if category == `"`x'"'
`gcmd' (asis) _v, over(category, `overcategorysuboptions') over(x, `overxsuboptions') asyvars `goptions'
graph export "`pathtofile_withoutextension'_allvars.pdf", replace
save `"`pathtofile_withoutextension'_long.dta"', replace
end program
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