When you use the xi command on categorical variables, even on those that have a value label associated with them, you get this:
. xi: svy, subpop(rural): reg logpccd rural_regressors refrigerator car livingroomsper numchild11 numchild11_sq i.oblast i.typeofdwell i.roof i.coldwatermeterinstalled i.soc_
. d
_Ioblast_3 byte %8.0g oblast==3
_Ioblast_4 byte %8.0g oblast==4
_Ioblast_5 byte %8.0g oblast==5
_Ioblast_6 byte %8.0g oblast==6
_Ioblast_7 byte %8.0g oblast==7
_Ioblast_8 byte %8.0g oblast==8
_Ioblast_11 byte %8.0g oblast==11
_Itypeofdwe_2 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==2
_Itypeofdwe_3 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==3
_Itypeofdwe_4 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==4
_Itypeofdwe_5 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==5
_Itypeofdwe_6 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==6
_Itypeofdwe_7 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==7
_Itypeofdwe_8 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==8
_Itypeofdwe_9 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==9
The value labels are not much more informative than are the variable names. Below is a program that will automatically rename the variable label of these variables that result from the xi command so that they include the corresponding value label, as follows:
_Ioblast_3 byte %8.0g oblast=Jalalabat
_Ioblast_4 byte %8.0g oblast=Naryn
_Ioblast_5 byte %8.0g oblast=Batken
_Ioblast_6 byte %8.0g oblast=Osh
_Ioblast_7 byte %8.0g oblast=City of Osh
_Ioblast_8 byte %8.0g oblast=Chui
_Ioblast_11 byte %8.0g oblast=City of Bishkek
_Itypeofdwe_2 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Apartment or room in a residential hotel
_Itypeofdwe_3 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Separate house
_Itypeofdwe_4 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Part of a house
_Itypeofdwe_5 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Dormitory
_Itypeofdwe_6 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Lodge or a tied cottage (temporary tenure dwelling)
_Itypeofdwe_7 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Other non-residential premises used for residence
_Itypeofdwe_8 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Other residential premises
_Itypeofdwe_9 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Barracks
There are actually two programs - mine is a wrapper for a program that Nicholas J. Cox wrote. Both of these are below.
Usage (run this after the xi command):
. varsformyrelabel
program define varsformyrelabel
// Written by Shafique Jamal (shafique.jamal@gmail.com), 12-07-2012
// UPDATE 12-07-2012: Need to change how the variable name for the list of `allunxidvariables' is determined. Need to get it from the variable label, rather than the variable name
// Get list of variables that were xi'd
local xivars "`_dta[__xi__Vars__To__Drop__]:'"
// di `"xivars:`xivars'"'
// Now just need to get list of un-xi'd variables from this list
// Here is the first one
local currentdummyvar : word 1 of `xivars'
// di `"currentdummyvar:`currentdummyvar'"'
// This will get the full variable name
local currentunxidvar = regexr("`: variable label `currentdummyvar''","==.*$","")
// di `"currentunxidvar:`currentunxidvar'"'
local allunxidvars "`currentunxidvar'"
// di `"allunxidvars:`allunxidvars'"'
// This will get the _I`var' name, without the _# suffix - I need this for the first argument to the myrelabel routine. Variable name gets shortened
local currentunxidvarwith_I = regexr("`currentdummyvar'","_[0-9]+$","")
// di `"currentunxidvar:`currentunxidvarwith_I'"'
local allunxidvarswith_I "`currentunxidvarwith_I'"
// di `"allunxidvarswith_I:`allunxidvarswith_I'"'
// Now loop through the rest
local count = 0
foreach var of local xivars {
local count = `count' + 1
if (`count' != 1) {
local w : word `count' of `xivars'
// di "w: `w'"
// check whether the next xi'd var is related to the current one
// if (regexm("`w'","^_I`currentunxidvar'_[0-9]+$")) { // yes, this is part of the same family as the current _I.... variable under consideration
if (regexm("`: variable label `w''","^`currentunxidvar'==.*$")) { // yes, this is part of the same family as the current _I.... variable under consideration
// di "skip"
else { // no, it is different. add to the list
// this gets the full variable name
local currentunxidvar = regexr("`: variable label `w''","==.*$","")
// di `"currentunxidvar:`currentunxidvar'"'
local allunxidvars "`allunxidvars' `currentunxidvar'"
// di `"allunxidvars:`allunxidvars'"'
// This gets the _Ivar name
local currentunxidvarwith_I = regexr("`w'","_[0-9]+$","")
// di `"currentunxidvar:`currentunxidvarwith_I'"'
local allunxidvarswith_I "`allunxidvarswith_I' `currentunxidvarwith_I'"
// di `"allunxidvarswith_I:`allunxidvarswith_I'"'
di "allunixidvars: `allunxidvars'"
di `"allunxidvarswith_I:`allunxidvarswith_I'"'
local count = 0
foreach var of local allunxidvars {
local count = `count' + 1
local varwith_I : word `count' of `allunxidvarswith_I'
myrelabel `varwith_I'_* `var'
program def myrelabel
*! NJC 1.0.0 15 July 2003
version 7
syntax varlist(numeric)
tokenize `varlist'
local nvars : word count `varlist'
local last ``nvars''
local vallabel : value label `last'
if "`vallabel'" == "" {
di as err "`last' not labelled"
exit 498
local `nvars'
local varlist "`*'"
foreach v of local varlist {
local varlabel : variable label `v'
local eqs = index(`"`varlabel'"', "==")
if `eqs' {
local value = real(substr(`"`varlabel'"', `eqs' + 2, .))
if `value' < . {
local label : label `vallabel' `value'
label var `v' `"`last'=`label'"'
. xi: svy, subpop(rural): reg logpccd rural_regressors refrigerator car livingroomsper numchild11 numchild11_sq i.oblast i.typeofdwell i.roof i.coldwatermeterinstalled i.soc_
. d
_Ioblast_3 byte %8.0g oblast==3
_Ioblast_4 byte %8.0g oblast==4
_Ioblast_5 byte %8.0g oblast==5
_Ioblast_6 byte %8.0g oblast==6
_Ioblast_7 byte %8.0g oblast==7
_Ioblast_8 byte %8.0g oblast==8
_Ioblast_11 byte %8.0g oblast==11
_Itypeofdwe_2 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==2
_Itypeofdwe_3 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==3
_Itypeofdwe_4 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==4
_Itypeofdwe_5 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==5
_Itypeofdwe_6 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==6
_Itypeofdwe_7 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==7
_Itypeofdwe_8 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==8
_Itypeofdwe_9 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling==9
The value labels are not much more informative than are the variable names. Below is a program that will automatically rename the variable label of these variables that result from the xi command so that they include the corresponding value label, as follows:
_Ioblast_3 byte %8.0g oblast=Jalalabat
_Ioblast_4 byte %8.0g oblast=Naryn
_Ioblast_5 byte %8.0g oblast=Batken
_Ioblast_6 byte %8.0g oblast=Osh
_Ioblast_7 byte %8.0g oblast=City of Osh
_Ioblast_8 byte %8.0g oblast=Chui
_Ioblast_11 byte %8.0g oblast=City of Bishkek
_Itypeofdwe_2 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Apartment or room in a residential hotel
_Itypeofdwe_3 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Separate house
_Itypeofdwe_4 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Part of a house
_Itypeofdwe_5 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Dormitory
_Itypeofdwe_6 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Lodge or a tied cottage (temporary tenure dwelling)
_Itypeofdwe_7 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Other non-residential premises used for residence
_Itypeofdwe_8 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Other residential premises
_Itypeofdwe_9 byte %8.0g typeofdwelling=Barracks
There are actually two programs - mine is a wrapper for a program that Nicholas J. Cox wrote. Both of these are below.
Usage (run this after the xi command):
. varsformyrelabel
program define varsformyrelabel
// Written by Shafique Jamal (shafique.jamal@gmail.com), 12-07-2012
// UPDATE 12-07-2012: Need to change how the variable name for the list of `allunxidvariables' is determined. Need to get it from the variable label, rather than the variable name
// Get list of variables that were xi'd
local xivars "`_dta[__xi__Vars__To__Drop__]:'"
// di `"xivars:`xivars'"'
// Now just need to get list of un-xi'd variables from this list
// Here is the first one
local currentdummyvar : word 1 of `xivars'
// di `"currentdummyvar:`currentdummyvar'"'
// This will get the full variable name
local currentunxidvar = regexr("`: variable label `currentdummyvar''","==.*$","")
// di `"currentunxidvar:`currentunxidvar'"'
local allunxidvars "`currentunxidvar'"
// di `"allunxidvars:`allunxidvars'"'
// This will get the _I`var' name, without the _# suffix - I need this for the first argument to the myrelabel routine. Variable name gets shortened
local currentunxidvarwith_I = regexr("`currentdummyvar'","_[0-9]+$","")
// di `"currentunxidvar:`currentunxidvarwith_I'"'
local allunxidvarswith_I "`currentunxidvarwith_I'"
// di `"allunxidvarswith_I:`allunxidvarswith_I'"'
// Now loop through the rest
local count = 0
foreach var of local xivars {
local count = `count' + 1
if (`count' != 1) {
local w : word `count' of `xivars'
// di "w: `w'"
// check whether the next xi'd var is related to the current one
// if (regexm("`w'","^_I`currentunxidvar'_[0-9]+$")) { // yes, this is part of the same family as the current _I.... variable under consideration
if (regexm("`: variable label `w''","^`currentunxidvar'==.*$")) { // yes, this is part of the same family as the current _I.... variable under consideration
// di "skip"
else { // no, it is different. add to the list
// this gets the full variable name
local currentunxidvar = regexr("`: variable label `w''","==.*$","")
// di `"currentunxidvar:`currentunxidvar'"'
local allunxidvars "`allunxidvars' `currentunxidvar'"
// di `"allunxidvars:`allunxidvars'"'
// This gets the _Ivar name
local currentunxidvarwith_I = regexr("`w'","_[0-9]+$","")
// di `"currentunxidvar:`currentunxidvarwith_I'"'
local allunxidvarswith_I "`allunxidvarswith_I' `currentunxidvarwith_I'"
// di `"allunxidvarswith_I:`allunxidvarswith_I'"'
di "allunixidvars: `allunxidvars'"
di `"allunxidvarswith_I:`allunxidvarswith_I'"'
local count = 0
foreach var of local allunxidvars {
local count = `count' + 1
local varwith_I : word `count' of `allunxidvarswith_I'
myrelabel `varwith_I'_* `var'
program def myrelabel
*! NJC 1.0.0 15 July 2003
version 7
syntax varlist(numeric)
tokenize `varlist'
local nvars : word count `varlist'
local last ``nvars''
local vallabel : value label `last'
if "`vallabel'" == "" {
di as err "`last' not labelled"
exit 498
local `nvars'
local varlist "`*'"
foreach v of local varlist {
local varlabel : variable label `v'
local eqs = index(`"`varlabel'"', "==")
if `eqs' {
local value = real(substr(`"`varlabel'"', `eqs' + 2, .))
if `value' < . {
local label : label `vallabel' `value'
label var `v' `"`last'=`label'"'
1 comment:
holy shit this is the best thing i've found on the internet in a decade
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